Construction Projects In Grande Prairie

Voter Eligibility  You are eligible to vote in the election if:
  • You are at least 18 years old;

  • You are a Canadian Citizen;

  • You reside in Alberta and are a resident of the County of Grande Prairie and the division on election day;

  • You have acceptable voter identification;

  • You have not voted in this election before; and

  • You sign a declaration that you meet these requirements.

Voter Identification Requirements Proof of identity and current residence is now required to be able to vote in municipal elections. Any of the following documents that has your name and address on it will be accepted as valid proof:
  • Photo identification issued by a Canada government or agency, whether federal, provincial or local;

  • Bank/credit card statement or personal cheque;

  • Government cheque or cheque stub;

  • Income/property tax assessment notice;

  • Insurance policy or coverage card;

  • Letter from a public curator, public guardian or public trustee;

  • Pension Plan statement of benefits, contributions or participation;

  • Residential lease or mortgage statement;

  • Statement of government benefits (E.g. employment insurance, old-age security, social assistance, disability support, or child tax benefit);

  • Utility bill (E.g. telephone, television, electricity, gas or water); or

  • Vehicle ownership, registration or insurance certificate.

A letter or form (attestation) confirming that the person lives at the stated address will also be accepted as valid proof. The letter can be signed prior to the vote by any of the following:

  • authorized representative of a commercial property management company;
  • authorized representative of a correctional institution;
  • authorized representative of a First Nations band or reserve;
  • authorized representative of a post-secondary institution;
  • authorized representative of a facility that provides services to the homeless; or
  • authorized representative of a supportive living facility or treatment centre.

If a voter's identification shows a post office box number as the address instead of a residential or legal address, it can be accepted as verification of current address if it is in reasonable distance to the voting jurisdiction. The address does not have to be in the voting division.

Changes to the Local Authorities Election Act will now allow provisions for vouching. A voter who has shown valid identification may vouch for a voter who does not have identification if:

  • The person vouching signs a statement/form that they know the person and that the person resides at the address indicated on the statement;
  • Both voters meet the eligibility requirements to vote; and
  • The elector has not already vouched for another person.

A voter who has relied on vouching to validate their identity and address cannot vouch for someone else.

Special Ballots

Applications for Special Ballots, commonly referred to as mail-in ballots, officially open August 1, 2021. The County will start accepting applications on August 2 following the holiday and will continue to accept Special Ballot applications until 4:30 p.m. on the Friday before Election Day, October 15, 2021.

In accordance with the Local Authorities Election Act, Special Ballots are available only to those who are unable to vote at an advance vote or at the voting station on Election Day for one of the following reasons:

  • Due to a physical disability;

  • If the voter will be absent from the local jurisdiction; or

  • If the voter is an Election Officer.

Eligible voters will find the Special Ballot fillable application below, or can request one from the Returning Officer by email or phoning 780-532-9722.

Special Ballots will be mailed to voters, or available for pickup, following the close of nominations on Monday, September 20, and must be returned to the office of the Returning Officer no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election Day, October 18.

Advanced Voting

Eligible voters can cast their vote prior to Election Day during the Advance Vote. Advanced Polls will take place on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.  and Saturday, October 16, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at the following locations:

  • Evergreen Park (All Divisions)

  • Sexsmith Civic Centre (All Divisions)

  • Hythe  Legion (All Divisions)

Please note, that should any divisions have only one candidate and be acclaimed, there will be no vote for a municipal Councillor  at the above noted locations. However, these polling stations will still be available to vote in the provincial referendum and senate elections.

Where do I Vote?

Eligible voters can cast their vote at a voting station of their choice during the Advance Vote or within their division on Election Day.

Advance Voting will take place on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 16, 2021 from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at the following polling stations:

  • Evergreen Park (All Divisions)
  • Sexsmith Civic Centre (All Divisions)
  • Hythe Legion (All Divisions)

Not sure which division you reside in? Use our Voter Information Map to enter your address and determine which polling station you should vote at.

The following polling stations will be used for Election Day on Monday, October 18, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.:

Division 1

Division 1 has been acclaimed. Eligible voters from Division 1 may still attend the voting stations below to vote in the Senate Election and Provincial Referendum vote and to vote for school board trustees.

  • Bezanson Memorial Hall,9901 - 100 Avenue, Bezanson
  • Evergreen Park, 55051 Township Road 710, County of Grande Prairie
Division 2
  • Grande Prairie Alliance Church,15502 102 Street, Clairmont
  • Sexsmith Civic Centre,9917 99 Avenue, Sexsmith
Division 3

Division 3 has been acclaimed. Eligible voters from Division 3 may still attend the voting stations below to vote in the Senate Election and Provincial Referendum vote and to vote for school board trustees.

  • Evergreen Park,55051 Township Road 710, County of Grande Prairie
Division 4
  • Evergreen Park,55051 Township Road 710, County of Grande Prairie
  • Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum,9301 - 112 Avenue, Wembley
Division 5
  • Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum,9301 - 112 Avenue, Wembley
  • Beaverlodge & District Senior Citizen's Association,301 - 10th Street, Beaverlodge
Division 6

Division 6 has been acclaimed. Eligible voters from Division 6 may still attend the voting stations below to vote in the Senate Election and Provincial Referendum vote and to vote for school board trustees.

  • Beaverlodge & District Senior Citizen's Association,301 - 10th Street, Beaverlodge
  • Hinton Trail Community Hall,702002 Highway 722, County of Grande Prairie
Division 7

Division 7 has been acclaimed. Eligible voters from Division 7 may still attend the voting stations below to vote in the Senate Election and Provincial Referendum vote and to vote for school board trustees.

  • Hythe Legion,9818 100 Avenue, Hythe
  • Demmitt Hall,744041 Rage Road 132, County of Grande Prairie
Division 8
  • La Glace Arena,9802 100 Street (Highway 724), La Glace
  • Hythe Legion,9818 100 Avenue, Hythe
  • Sexsmith Civic Centre,9917 99 Avenue, Sexsmith
Division 9
  • Sexsmith Civic Centre,9917 99 Avenue, Sexsmith
  • Teepee Creek Hall,33071A Highway 674

Please note, that should any divisions have only one candidate and be acclaimed, there will be no vote for a municipal Councillor  at the above noted locations. However, these polling stations will still be available to vote in the provincial referendum and senate elections.

Voting for Residents of Lakeview Lodge, Clairmont

On Election Day, October 18, 2021 election staff will be on site for residents of the Lakeview Lodge in Clairmont to vote for their divisional councillor, as well as school board trustees and in the senate and referendum vote.

The institutional vote will take place from 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.

Who's Running?

The following is the official list of candidates who have filed nomination papers and who will be running for office in the 2021 Municipal Election.

Use our Voter Information Map to find your candidate and polling station. Please note: There will not be an election in Divisions with candidates listed as "acclaimed", but voters are encouraged to visit their polling station and cast their vote for Senate nominees, referendum questions and school board trustees.

Division 1 - Acclaimed

Email 780-518-3197

Division 2

Email 780-814-8404

Darcy Karbashewski

Email 780-876-1974

Email 780-933-3666

Email 780-910-4443

Division 3 - Acclaimed

Email 780-814-3121

Division 4

Maurissa Hietland

Email 780-897-5636

Email 780-512-8822

Email 780-831-0864

Division 5

Email 780-933-0905

Email 780-814-4843

MARSHALL, BOB (Incumbent)
Email 780-933-2053

Division 6 - Acclaimed

Peter Harris

HARRIS, PETER (Incumbent)
Email 780-933-3074

Division 7 - Acclaimed

Email 780-228-0034

Division 8

ROSVOLD, KAREN (Incumbent)
Email 780-831-0902

Email 780-402-5546

Division 9

Pam Badger

Email 780-882-1497


Robert Chrenek

Email 780-897-3577

Sheryle Runhart

Email 780-296-1695

Voter Information Map Use our Voter Information Map to find your electoral division, County of Grande Prairie Council candidates, your nearest polling station to cast your vote at Advance Polls and on Election Day, and more.

After the polls close at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, October 18, use the Voter Information Map to follow along as we report County of Grande Prairie election results live.

The Voter Information Map also lists school board trustee candidates for the Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools and the Peace Wapiti Public School Division, and includes information about the Senate and Referendum vote.

Candidate Information Forum

Due to technical difficulties, the Grande Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce will not be hosting a County of Grande Prairie Municipal Election Forum as previously scheduled.

However, all candidates for Council in Divisions 2, 4, 5, 8 and 9 for the Municipal Election in the County of Grande Prairie are invited to take part in a recorded session in which they will each be able to introduce themselves and answer pre-submitted questions. The recording will then be shared to the Grande Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce website and social media.

Stay tuned to the Chamber's website and social media channels for details.

Senate and Referendum Vote

The Senate Election and Referendum vote will take place in conjunction with the 2021 Municipal Election . Eligible voters will receive ballots for the Senate Election and Referendum questions  when they attend a polling station to vote for their municipal councillor .

If no election is being held for the position of municipal councillor , eligible voters will still be able to vote in the Senate Election  and Referendum vote.

For more information on the eligibility requirements and polling station locations visit Voter Information.

Eligible voters  will be able to vote to select 3 Senate nominees who may be summoned to the Senate of Canada, to fill a vacancy or vacancies relating to Alberta.

In addition to voting for Senate nominees, Albertans will be asked to vote on two provincial topics :

  • Should Section 36(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982 - Parliament and the government of Canada's commitment to the principle of making equalization payments - be removed from the constitution?;  and

  • Do you want Alberta to adopt year-round Daylight Saving Time, which is summer hours, eliminating the need to change our clocks twice a year?

School Board Elections

Albertans vote for their school board trustees as part of the municipal general elections. Election Day is Monday, October 18, 2021. There are two school boards that will be conducting their election in conjunction with the County of Grande Prairie.

Eligible voters will be able to vote for school trustees at the same polling station where they vote for their municipal councillor .

For more information on School Board Elections visit the respective school board sites below:

  • Peace Wapiti Public School Division

  • Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools

COVID-19 Safety

During the municipal election, we want to make sure our residents, election workers and communities are safe. Health and safety measures have been put in place at polling stations aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19.

  • Hand sanitizer available at polling stations.
  • Practice social distancing, with clear physical distancing markers in place.
  • One poll worker per desk behind a plexiglass barrier.
  • Wear a mask. Our election workers will wear masks.
  • Single-use pencils or bring your own pen or pencil.


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